back from singapore

Getting better now, cheers 😀

I met up with the Ed and he brought me to this place called Paulaner. The Ed’s a premium member of that place and one of the perks is that he gets to drink from ‘his own’ mug.

Edwin hearts his Paulaner... mug

Me being just the tourist drinks from the ordinary glass but it wasn’t so bad; actually it was GREAT!

My first introduction to Paulaner

We also had sausages… they were YUMMY!


I like the third one from the left the most. The first from the right ain’t bad either. But the second from the right’s got girth! W00t!!!

*snaps back to reality”

Suanie and Edwin in Singapore 02

Suanie and Edwin in Singapore 01

I also went to this club called ‘Thumper’. The resident band was SO FUCKING GOOD, WHY OUR KL NIGHT SPOTS NEVER HIRE PEOPLE WHO CAN ACTUALLY SING?!?!?!?

When I felt better I did some shopping. Bought books, some clothes, this that.

Back from shopping (but it ain't mine)

Hahaha nah those weren’t mine. But it’s fun to pretend.

Back to normality.