Archives for December 2010

The amazing half-boiled eggs cooker

When I was a kid, my grandmother fed me half-boiled eggs with a cup of hot Milo for breakfast. She always had a stash of kampung eggs from her own chicken coop in the refrigerator. One day I followed her to the coop to see how she gathered the eggs. It was quite a traumatising experience, I felt so bad for the hen. Didn’t stop me from enjoying my breakfast though.

I was talking to Shirley about Malaysian and Singaporeans’ love for half-boiled eggs with kaya toast, wondering if it was a local thing. She told me that the British have something called boiled eggs with soldiers. In fact, it may be the one great leftover from the colonisation. Erm, thanks for the laws and driving on the left side of the road and all that, but really, THANK YOU for soft-boiled eggs with soldiers 😀

My Mom recently gave me a half-boiled egg cooker. It is a detachable 4-piece plastic ware: basically the idea is that you place raw eggs into the transparent part, pour in hot boiling water, then wait for the water to slowly drip to the bottom part. Your eggs are done when all the water has been removed. Quite genius, really.

Half boiled eggs - equipment
All you need for incredible half-boiled eggs: the cooker, a jug of boiling water and eggs

Half boiled eggs for dummies
Note the indication for the water level according to number of eggs

Half boiled eggs in the making
Let it drip, let it drip!

As I prefer my eggs to be three-quarter boiled (instead of half-boiled), I put in water enough for 3 eggs when I only had two. The result?

Three quarter boiled eggs

Yumm….. Add a little light soy sauce and white pepper, it’s eggasm.