Ryan and his fish food

Ryan’s household has 6 new fat fishes. His job is to feed the fishes everyday, which he does.

One day his grandmother asked him,

“Ryan, did you feed the fish today?”
“Yes”, he replied.
“How much fish food do you give them everyday?”

😯 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯

Ryan and fish food 01
6 pellets for 6 fishes

“You cannot just give them 6!! You have to feed them more, you know!!”

The next day, his grandmother asked him again,

“Ryan, did you feed the fish today?”
“Yes”, he replied.
“How much fish food did you give them this time?”

Ryan and fish food 02
One fish gets two pellets, no more no less

In case you’re wondering, now he feeds them a small bunch of pellets πŸ™‚

It’s the boy’s 6th birthday today. Happy birthday Ryan!



  1. happy birthday ryan! i still remember his 1st birthday at damansara perdana bbq

  2. kimberlycun says

    wow 6 dy! happy birthday ryan! lol poor fish!


  4. I enjoy reading your blog, however I feel you should definitely improve on your English.

    “Ryan’s household just had 6 new fat fishes.”

    You use has when talking about he, she, or it. Have when you:re talking about you i or they, and had is the paste tense of both.

    Just a friendly comment. Thank you and have a great day.

  5. There is much to be said about Equality.

    Happy Birthday to Ryan πŸ™‚

  6. KY: we were all younger then! πŸ˜›

    kim: hahha the fishy live πŸ˜›

    FA: tq fire engine jie jie

    Su: thanks for pointing that out. my grammar is indeed terrible.

    mela: 666 πŸ˜›

  7. Happy birthday to Ryan. πŸ™‚

    Ryan really know how to take care his fish, ornamental fish doesn’t need lots of feeding. Unless you want to rear Tilapia for food. :p

  8. ooh did he have a party?

  9. Ha Ha Ha!

    Thank you for the entertainment.

  10. ShaolinTiger says

    LOL so exact.

  11. Oh goshh, Ryan is so cute! Happy belated birthday, boy! πŸ˜€

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