The neighbour’s kid

Not my neighbour, she hasn’t moved in yet.

Rather, my sister’s neighbour. They are a Dutch family, have been here for a few years and decided to move back this year. They left a couple of days ago. They also left a huge hole in Ryan’s heart.

Actually I just made that up. I don’t know what Ryan thinks about it because I’ve not spoken to him. He has been busy spending a lot of time with the neighbour’s kids’ before they were due to go back.

I’m also trying to dramatize the life of a 6 year old because I can.

So. The neighbour’s boy is a couple of years younger than Ryan. He has big blue eyes and straw blonde hair. He is also very thin and weighs almost nothing. Once I lifted him up and almost hit his head on the ceiling because of the momentum. Nah I’m kidding. But it felt like it and I managed to stop myself.

Most of the time, I do not understand what he is talking about. Ryan understands him but I don’t. I just nod a lot, exclaim a lot of, “REALLY?” then divert his attention. To me, he sounds like a chipmunk. Cute but inaudible.

I saw him the day before he was to go home. Got down to his level and asked for a hug.

Ryan whispered to him, “You better hug!”
“Nooo I don’t want a hug”
Me: “Why not??”
“…[insert sounds here]…”
Me: “Really??”

I think I’ll miss him for a while.



  1. Aww… kids are adorable! 🙂

  2. until they grow up, hahahaha

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