so pissed off that i forgot to insert a title earlier

I have a bone to pick.

This country is seriously fucked up.

I mean, I’ve known that for the longest time, but I only felt compelled to put it down in words after an incident last night.

We had the shittiest of all shitty weather yesterday — rain, rain, rain and even more rain. It was like a scene out of a bad Hollywood movie with lots of rain and water and Kevin Costner. Come night fall, I was between a state of wanting to be emo due to the excessive rain and exasperation thanks to the fucking rain. Not a healthy place to be, especially if you are a ticking nuclear bomb like me.

Maybe I lied. I am not a ticking anything. But see how all these mental disturbance caused by the weather is causing havoc to my usually warm and sunny personality?

Gotcha again. ANYWAY, I drove to Williams to meet Spongefox last night because the latter had not eaten the whole day. I think he’s one of those folks who store instant noodles by the cartons next to his bed for easy access. Something I used to do when I was not living with my sister.

It was during the short journey when something scared the living breath out of me. Almost anyway, because if I were dead, I wouldn’t be writing all this crap now.

Or maybe you lot would prefer a ghost penning all these words? No doubt it would increase this blog’s popularity by leaps and bounds. Might even get Slashdotted.

Right. The point to this Monday whining. Ghosts. Spirits. Lost souls. Hantu. Lembaga hitam. Jelmaan syaitan.

I hate them all. They are unsettling to whatever’s left of my inner peace.

But even more so, I hate driving at night in the rain along a lonely road and stop at a traffic light to see a giant billboard advertising the latest horror movie being shown in town.

I hate movie distributors who think it’s a good idea to buy prime billboard advertising spaces and install the largest horror movie posters with the sole purpose of scaring every single road user that passes by.

I hate the ad agencies who allow movie distributors who think it’s a good idea to buy prime billboard advertising spaces and install the largest horror movie posters with the sole purpose of scaring every single road user that passes by to have their ways.

But you know what?

I don’t hate them as much as I hate whoever is effing responsible for putting up/ installing the billboards in strategic spots and sell them to ad agencies who allow movie distributors who think it’s a good idea to buy prime billboard advertising spaces and install the largest horror movie posters with the sole purpose of scaring every single road user that passes by to have their ways.

You remember the big ass Ju-On or Grudge movie poster along the LDP?

And you wonder why so many accidents occur throughout the highway. They weren’t driving irresponsibility — they were scared out of their wits and simply lost control of their senses and cars.

But movie posters are not the only culprits.

If you are driving towards the Rothmans roundabout at night, and you turn to go towards SS2, you will see this big ass billboard of a chick advertising some product that I can’t recall to save my life.

Why can’t I remember the name of the product?

Because I was too busy averting my eyes from the ghostly lit-up face of the chick who stares at you as if she was going to possess your body anytime soon so give up your rights or else.

I think I should make it a point to remember the product and the company. Should I be involved in an accident at the roundabout ( but touch wood ) I am so going to fucking sue the pants out of the company leaving them no change to take the bus home.

Dumb fucks.



  1. eh.. you deserve that for going to williams without inviting me :p


  2. ..and it will be gone by the time i am home!

    (me not like scarey billboards ither…)

  3. the ghostly lit-up face of the chick

    Oh, I should snap the billboard. 😉 Let’s see whether Suanie exaggerate it.

  4. i hate that ad at the rothman’s roundabout too. think it’s a ‘follow me’ ad.

  5. its some shampoo ad … dun seem to remember what brand though …

  6. torrential rains, floods caused even by slight drizzling, billlboards of everything everywhere, humongous billboards of men and women in skimpy-skimpy underwear, etc etc. Suannie, you would definitely enjoy the Philippines. Mabuhay!

  7. a-non-e-mouse says

    suanie, that rothmans roundabout ad scares the shit out of me too!!! we are like so meant for each other!!!

    we can cuddle every time we see it.


  8. well said…hahaha bad advertising is a pollution to the environment and a menace to the society…and guess what? i’m in this freakin industry doing this shit….there are some other ads in kl which they have live size mannequins standing on top of it..there is also the Volkswagen one in sri hartamas…how i wish to set fire to it…its a bloody eyesore…pui! knn cockshit

  9. Dabido(Teflon) says

    WoooOOOOooooOOOOoooooOOOOooo, this is Dabido, talking to you from beyond the … um … boarder. Okay, not as exciting as talking from beyond the grave, but, HEY, when have you EVER heard of any confirmed incidence of a ghost ever harming anyone?
    Never. They go about there business, and you come driving by scaring the pants off them. Not their fault some crazy monkey brained advertising exec. put them up on a poster by a busy road. Think of all those horror accidents they have to watch, right under their noses! Those poor ghosts.

    Now, stop being scared of ghosts, else they may work out how to get Lawyers and start suing the living. Now THAT would be scarey!!!!

    I’m going back beyond the boarder now … look to the light, look to the light. WooooOOOooooOOOOoooOOOOoo! 🙂

  10. ROFLMAO! oh man, my side’s in stitches! hahahahaha!

  11. izad: erm.. as if i have your contact number?! 😛

    suertes: ahah! thats what u think, then they will come up with something worse! 😛

    moo_T: hah! i where got exaggerate one 😛

    kat: it is! I just saw it earlier. follow me green tea shampoo

    fry: yeap!

    adrianpinoy: eh why take a flight when i have the same things here? minus the underwear, but then i dont get off on that 😛

    anonemouse: destiny beckons indeed.

    andrew: yeah it’s all your fault 😛

    dabs: what ARE you taking 😛

    xpyre: blah!

  12. Look on the bright side: With all that rain you don’t have to worry about a drought.

  13. Ohoh, that green tea ad, yeah used to spook the hell out of me too. Somehow rather I almost couldn’t take my eyes off her. But it’s a good distraction from that godawful building opposite the billboard, the one which looks like a cake, and I don’t mean that in a good way. I think it’s a hotel or sumthing. My colleague and I from work (we’re architects) felt like tearing our eyes our every time we saw that building, and then, we saw the AD. *Shudder*

  14. Dabido(Teflon) says

    Actually, I’m not taking anything, but I do have boxes of Lexapro, Acimax (aka Losec), Sandomigraine and Panadeine Forte if you need any. [And iron tablets and vitamin tables I keep forgetting to take.]

    I don’t like taking tablets! [Though I’d take the Sandomigraine in a shot if a migraine starts to develop – that stuff is WONDERFUL and knocks me out! Yay!] 🙂
    I use to take some other migraine medication which knocked me out, but sometimes I’d still wake up eight hours later with the same migraine.

  15. i think it’s my friend’s sister..
    and it’s a really bad pic..

  16. lotsofcravings says

    i remember i saw one along the federal highway..definitely kept me awake for the rest of the serious no brainer though..fuckin scary..

  17. mad: yeah. thank karma for small favours, eh

    nurulazreen: hahahha lisa de inn … apparently an awesome place for quickies 😉

    dabs: educational stuff that i should keep in mind, eh ? 😛

    sooj: yeah plus the lighting inside a bit teh rosak already

    lotsofcravings: what was it? do you remember?

  18. Dabido(Teflon) says

    Depends on what effect you want. Not sure if you can get high off any of them … but if your aim is to cause me to fall asleep for some reason [ie to shut me up or something], then the Sandomigraine is probably worth remembering.

    [No letting people date raping me whist I am under. I’d hate saying, ‘I can’t remember the last time I had sex.’ knowing it was only hours before hand!] 🙂

  19. williams eh… kelana jaya you stay?

    been so long since i have been there.

  20. Dabs: hahah, i’ll pass on all that 😉 but thanks 😛

    zewt: around PJ. so williams is quite near. latest on the menu is swordfish, it’s nice.

  21. Hey, I was thinking along this line last week, when I walked past a CD/VCD/DVD shop that had put up a life-size dummy of a pocong at the store front to promote sales of a movie of the same name (Pocong). IINM, it’s an Indonesian horror movie. Imagine a life-size figure of a black-faced dummy all wrapped up in white kain kapan (burial cloth) standing there greeting their customers.

    Now imagine how many kids had been scared shitless by it and won’t even dare to go into the bathroom alone. Not kidding! My son refused to even go into his room to change unless I switch on all the lights for him first.

    Stupid distributor PR folks!

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